Yes! The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) gives you the right to dispute any item on your credit report.
In short, we challenge the negative information affecting your credit by sending letters on your behalf to the bureaus. Simultaneously, we assist you with building credit to aid in increasing your credit score.
Enrolled clients are always welcome to contact the law firm by phone during business hours. However, we do not take phone calls from prospective clients because federal regulations severely restrict the sale of credit repair services over the phone. While we believe this rule is unfair (and have challenged it in court without success), we comply with the law, unlike some less reputable companies that may choose to disregard it.
We can assist with bankruptcies, foreclosures, collections, charge-offs, repossessions, medical bills, credit card debt, inquiries, late payments, old addresses, judgments, tax liens and student loans.
Credit monitoring is crucial being that it allows us to effectively track your progress, updates, and provides access to scoring information from all 3 credit bureaus. Each bureau has the ability to report different information (For example; you may have a collection with Transunion but not Experian). Free monitoring, such as Credit Karma, does not offer this.
You can start to see results in as little as 30-45 days. While there is no exact timeframe we can provide by law on how long it will take to complete your profile, we recommend being enrolled in the program at least 6 months. Depending on your credit profile, it may take longer.
Monthly fees reimbursed if no results within 180 days.
Yes, you can. However, be prepared in knowing it takes a lot of time and effort to effectively complete the job; including studying credit law to educate yourself, contacting creditors, collection agencies, the 3 bureaus, verifying information, settlements etc… Many people choose to have a credit expert complete the work on their behalf as it is their profession- similar to having a mechanic perform your car’s repair.
There is a contract that entails our service agreement, however, you may cancel at anytime.